If you are in São Paulo and looking for events where you want to combine good taste, refined plates and sophistication. In short, everything that can be associated with a good wine. Consult our events calendar, as we have the ideal suggestion for you!
Wine in the Neighborhood in São Paulo
From 05 to 06 August
Event that brings together wines, gastronomy, music and art. Come enjoy with a glass in hand, the best wines and sparkling wines in Brazil. With around 25 wineries and dozens of entrepreneurs, tickets are already on sale.
The ticket to the restricted area entitles you to an official crystal glass of the event, an ecobag and a bracelet that entitles you to a three-hour tasting session.
Confirmed attractions: talks with experts, creative fair, gastronomic fair, live jazz and MPB shows.
Local: Av. Dona Helena Pereira de Moraes, 200 – Vila Andrade
Days: 05 and 06 August
Price: from R$ 114,00 per person.
To learn more and sign in to this event, click on the link below:

Wine in Neighborhood in São Paulo

Wine Tasting of more than 25 brands

Special Talks with Wine Experts

Red Wines and Sparkling Wines
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Try to make your stay more intense and satisfying in the biggest city in Latin America, a city that never sleeps and offers thousands of opportunities for you to find all the best in it. A city that is considered the heart of the world because it brings together people from all over the world and the most diverse cultures. And this could not be different with the world of wines, because if there is a great protagonist who associates good taste, palate and refinement, there is no doubt that wine is intimate connected with all of this.