Diet with wine and red and purple fruits can reduce chances of having diabetes type 2 research shows

Diet with wine and red and purple fruits can reduce chances of having diabetes type 2 research shows

Study shows that flavonoids, nutrients present in these foods may reduce insulin resistance.

Everything good is bad for health? Although this seems like a universal truth, increasingly science has shown that it is not quite the way things work. A new study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, shows that foods rich in flavonoids may reduce the risk of having type 2 diabetes, and this list are items like chocolate, wine, teas and red and purple fruit that should be consumed, but without abuse.

The research was conducted by researchers at Kings College London and the University ofEast Anglia, both in the UK. They investigated 1997 women between 18 and 76 years completed a questionnaire about their food. After the total amount was estimated flavonoids consumed beyond the specified amount of the nutrient six subtypes: anthocyanins, flavanones, flavan-3-ols, polymeric flavonoids, flavonols and flavones.

What they found that the consumption is high amounts of flavonoids (flavones and anthocyanins mainly) reduced insulin resistance, especially in the peripheral regions of the body, resulting in a less amount of serum insulin. Anthocyanins are present in most foods of purple and red coloration, like açaí, grapes, eggplant, among others.


Source: MinhaVida


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