Caxias and Bento Gonçalves have more than 60 bookings in the event parks this year.

Caxias and Bento Gonçalves have more than 60 bookings in the event parks this year.

Pavilions of the Grape Festival have already 40 programmed activities and Fundaparque in Bento, another 26

The year started busy in the schedule of fairs and events of the Serra. This week, Caxias and Bento Gonçalves released the confirmed booking numbers. The Pavilions of the Grape Festival have already 40 activities confirmed throughout the year, according to Fabrício Lorandi, commercial director of the company that manages the park. The goal, he said, is to have more than 50 events this year, including concerts, cultural festivals, auto shows, graduations, religious and community events. The main highlights are the Choice of Soberas of the Grape Festival in May and the Mercopar business fair in October. The latter is still under negotiation, because instead of pavilion 2, the idea is to occupy the Event Center and Pavilion 1.

The Foundation Park of Events and Development of Bento Gonçalves (Fundaparque) has a goal to close 2018 with more than 30 events. So far, Fundaparque’s agenda has added 26 confirmed programs for this year. In addition to Movelsul, closed yesterday, and Fiema Brazil next month, are also scheduled the Fair of Adapted Cars, Business Round of the Bento Convention Bureau, Beer Festival Gaucha, ExpoBento and Transposul.

Among the adjustments already made in the park of Bento, is the approval of the Permanent Fire Prevention Plan (PPCI), which the pavilions of the Grape Festival in Caxias will still have to provide. The transfer of R $ 1.5 million from the city hall, majority shareholder of the company Festa da Uva, was sanctioned by Mayor Daniel Guerra on Thursday. The management of the company awaits the release of resources, which will also be used for works of mobility. Fabrício Lorandi says that there is a deadline for the PPCI and there is no expense for the rents, but he emphasizes that the reoccupation of the houses of the replica of the city in the pavilions depends on the works of accessibility.
Meanwhile, Bento has already advanced in relation to PPCI and also invested in new solutions for the supply of electricity. The measure helps attract event promoters, since one of the biggest difficulties is the assembly costs and this represents energy savings.

Ibravin’s headquarters will relocate

The old mansion that serves as the headquarters of the Brazilian Institute of Wine (Ibravin) in the Bento Gonçalves Events Park is expected to be vacated soon. In search of greater space, Ibravin goes to the former space of the Center of Industry, Commerce and Services (CIC) of Bento, which inaugurated new headquarters at the end of last year. The Ibravin change is scheduled for the second half. The space must be renovated and works were waiting for the end of Movelsul, on Thursday. Among Fundaparque’s priorities for this year is the installation of an elevator in the space where the Instituto do Vinho will be installed. The company that manages the event park has not yet defined who will occupy the house when there is a change of Ibravin, but there are already interested in the site, including one of them acts in the promotion of the wine sector.


Source: GauchaZH


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